I first started capturing her storytelling using the video mode on our digital camera, around about April, but she soon refused to let me film her. So I tried writing her stories while she told them, using pen and paper. That lasted for only a few stories too, before she caught on. Since then, I've been recording her using a mini MP3 recorder, which is pretty unobtrusive, and transcribing the audio later. She then objected strongly to this as well... Nowadays I use a combo of MP3 and video to record her before transcribing. I only manage to record a fraction of the stories she tells. I always have a backlog of stories on the recorder that still need transcribing, as it's impossible for me to keep up with her. To help new readers, I've marked my favourite stories with a star (*), so at least you have somewhere to start if you don't know where to begin. Don't forget to check the older archives too - there are some gems in there as well!

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Deeper in the woods, 2007-06-04*

OK, this one is hilarious! I didn't realize how much so until I transcribed it from the recording. Definitely influenced by Dr Seuss, LOL (although she wasn't pretending to read from a Dr Seuss book at the time, but some other book). Enjoy!

“Right”, said baby, “something smells good”
And they went in and nobody was there
It someone else, it someone’s house
It is their house
“It MY house” said baby
“We got to MY house”
“Where is your STUFF?”
“And this my stuff, EVERYTHING!”
And they deeper in the woods again
Suddenly baby listened
(Singing softly) “da di da di” (snoring)
And she heard a noise
And this river, saw with two crows passing by
And I “someone.. I see them, there two of them”
And one cannot and said
“I am (indecipherable)
All that beak
And from all that beak
I will be not eaten up from the beak
You can’t catch me”
And they at last saw
Found a little hook
They found a little hook, right?
They were deep in the woods
Suddenly baby heard a noise
So they got up fast, as they can go
They go out… right?
And heard noise, right?
Deeper in the jungle
Oh! They again found a little hook by
They deeper in the woods
Suddenly they spied something
“Mommy, mommy, mommy, must be (indecipherable)
Where did we stop? Where did we stop?
AH! We haven’t met this before!”
SO…they got up fast
They couldn’t go
I stopped
Deeper in the woods
Suddenly she spied something already
And they deeper in the woods
Suddenly they spied, oh!
Against leaning on the rock
“That was my uncle…Uncle David!”
“Ahhh! Look she reading?” Ask mommy…
Aannd baby saw a little spider leaning at the rock
And she said “you are leaning at the rock
Leaning at our side
And we, we, we passing by our house”
“Uhm…deeper in the woods right?”
They caught up fast
I wasn‘t scared
I deeper in the woods
Suddenly I spied them
A pair of green pants with nobody inside them!
And I deeper in the woods
Suddenly I spied them
A pair of green PANTS with nobody inside them!
And I deeper in the woods again
Suddenly I spied another, so many in my whole life!
And a pair of green PANTS!
I wasn’t scared, I deeper in the woods again
Suddenly I spied them again
Aaand, there! Something!
Oh the king of all that I see, of pale green pants
Of nobody inside them
And, I deeper in the woods again
Suddenly I spied everything
And I wasn’t scared
I down, down, down, down, gravity (singing)
Hooray, hooray, hooray, my fair downy (still singing)
Take a busy back in (singing)
(Cuts off) So they got up from the noise
Probably, they got out from the jungle, right?
The piggy cannot escape…
Oh, the pig past by (whispers)
So! Gravity, pulled them down
Gravity pulled them down
Yes, they pulled down
They ALL right
They all have a lot of party
They have a party
It’s baby’s party
“It’s MY party” said baby
And they all having my party, and they eat it all up
“Ahhhh… I want my party again
Again, again
And we will get it, maybe we finish our walk”
And got in
Who wasn’t there? Stuck in the woods
Deeper in the woods, suddenly I spied it
Pale green pants! What we can do?

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

That was truly hilarious! "Pale green pants. What can we do?" is the best ending to a story I've ever seen!