(A to himself) “Aladar’s Adventure.... Contents... Aladar’s catch... catch cold... Aladar’s Catching Cold”
Then Corythosaurus came, “Why are you catching cold Aladar?”
“Because of my chicken pox”
“Please don’t go out until better”
“But, not really...”
“See? You are so sick.....oh, he’s vomit...”
Aladar said, “Is this another page?
‘Then Aladar (indecipherable)’, said Aladar to Corythosaurus, ‘it’s another page, in another book, six four seven,’ Aladar said, ‘I will go there to find (indecipherable),’ said Aladar an iguanodon, ‘page filled, Corythosaurus, now it’s coming ending’”
Then Corythosaurus said, “Why are you get my, from my smell?” (Indecipherable)
“Chapter of the Legs. There was Pete, Chapter One, They looked. Aladar was looking for his friends”
After he, he didn’t all pretend, Aladar said, Corythosaurus said to write down, “is this not your looking? Are you looking for your pen or your pencil?”
“Yes, my toy pen, that I can draw so much, after my drink”
After dinner Aladar first in line for... to Corythosaurus playroom, then one of his humans delivered, said “Only one can help, only one...”
“And do you remember? Is Aladar doing it?”
“Aladar’s looking for his pen first”
Then Aladar said, “Is this something looking outside? For my little hook by the bench?”
He was looking for his pen
“Aladar said, ‘I have a big Bible”, THEN a loud STORM came at top of Corythosaurus HEAD, THEN it BOOMED a bit, then it GET OUT!!! Like a big POP’ (Paper rustling) ‘SPLASH!’
THEN a, a WIND came, then BLEW THEM DOWN, then they bonked it (mumbles)
(Rustling paper sound) Then there Aladar and the others, THEN aNOTHER ONE came! That means... wind came and blew them down!! Because they will CRACK! Them, and they said, ‘HUH!!!....this here....’
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