Mommy’s note: this is the first story I recorded that is part of an ongoing unfolding story – I missed recording many of its instalments. To give readers some context, Aladar is apparently writing his own storybook called “Aladar’s New Adventure”. Bethany’s story includes dialogue between Aladar and his friends, as well as dialogue from the story that Aladar is writing. The development of this idea becomes clearer when you read subsequent stories in this apparently new “genre” she’s created for herself.
“Here! At chapter one, this at chapter one....”
“ALADAR!” said Corythosaurus, “are you ready???”
“Not yet! The others can’t run, I didn’t know!”
“Aladar’s New Adventure....”
“ALADAR!” said Corythosaurus, “are you ready???”
“NOT YET!.... the ants just come, so I didn’t move....while the others moved... then stopped”
Then the others moved and stopped
“Someone,” said Corythosaurus, “need someone!!”
There were others standing here.. and didn’t move, these were dinosaurs
“Aladar!!” said Corythosaurus, “Do you ready yet? This one... is this dinosaur ready?... Is Styracosaurus ready??””
Styracosaurus said, “No!”
“The others stand still and didn’t move, really!” said Corythosaurus, “All day! The others stand still and didn’t move around”
The others moved, and didn’t move
One moved! Then the others didn’t move
“Aladar!!” said Corythosaurus, “are you ready??”
Corythosaurus was ready but the others were not
They stand still... stand still!
“What?”.... “Isch!”.... “Haaah?”
(Small voice) “, baby find you?”
“Is there another one?”
“Piers! Are you ready Piers??”
“Trying!.... Behind you, are they doing it?”
And the cousin always don’t...
“Aladar... are you doing it??” Corythosaurus ran up to his playroom and said, “need a whistle? To play.... ALADAR!! DO YOU HAVE A PLAYROOM?”
“Nooo... there’s nothing going our way... there’s a big shadow coming to us”
“So everybody sat down and didn’t move, then, he couldn’t only, they became a human again... everybody like, behind you... is there another one? Who’s the other one?...”
“Aladar!! Are you ready??”
“Not yet!” (indecipherable phrase) “I’m still putting on my shoes!”
The others stand still and didn’t move!
“Maybe... (singsong) heeee’s... behind you!”
“Is there another one coming? Another one! Another one! Is there another one coming?? Is there another one coming? Another one coming? Another one coming? Another one coming? ... Another one coming?... Is there another one coming?”
“Alright!” said Aladar, “Camarasaurus, are you ready?”
“Tish! Behind you!”
“Don’t worry... I won’t eat you”
“My head is numbered, look!”
“Favourite number!” said Aladar, and read, looking at a book
“Your favourite number!”
“Favourite number...” said Aladar, looking at the book... looking at his book
“Let me check!” said Corythosaurus
(Thumping noise in background – done by her for sure) “No, it’s my book.... let’s shaaare....”
(Thumping continues) “Yeees!”
(Thumping continues) “But... but... do you want to?.... Do you want it?” (Thumping stops)
“I’m sorry... I’ll find the page you stopped.... this is place before you?”
“Don’t worry... I will look!.... (soft singsong) Where, so where are you..... ALADAR!!!! Look!”
“Yes.... yes.... yes and no.... noo....Yes or no.... Yes or no.... no.”
“Aladar!!” Said Corythosaurus, “this is co... this is co... this is corythosaurus.... this is A..LA..DAR.... shush... hide... behind... behind you”
(Whispering, followed by scraping, followed by metallic thumping)
“Aladar...,” Corythosaurus, “Is there another baaaaaby,” Corythosaurus shouted out
“But why are we... shh shh”
“Aladar and the bookmark...” said Corythosaurus, “Aladar! Aladar! Can you just turn me.. another page? To another page...”
“Noo! (Very softly) There’s something coming there...”
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