So this is the first of her new stories. You can listen to her tell this story HERE.
Hock, who was still back in this dark room, went out of the room, and gave all the hooks to Hoon to save the message. “Really message... still it’s a real message, and he didn’t do all on the message. I want you to do on the cliffords, and you are the hooks and cliffords.”
(To me: There’s cliffords in my story, so you can record.)
“That’s why I said you can record,” said Hook. “It’s I! Hook.”
Hook went down by a stream and warmed himself. “This is a good place for me!” And the others to their own place. Hook to the place that Hock was sitting on. And he sit with Hock. So two of them looked down at the sky, and forward.
“We couldn’t!”
“No,” says Hook, “we couldn’t go there. Hmph. We sit in the same place alright?” Ogo and Hook. Hook... Corin then sat up and teached Hoong how to dance. Hoong was the one who was sat by him who don’t want to sit (does funny face and posture) like that. Who was bound into habit to (does same funny face and posture) umm, like that! So he normally have showers in Yush places then, that he didn’t like that are Hook places that Hang and Hut could be along each side. Each side couldn’t... didn’t go along rivers that laid on streams, that streams go on to another stream and another stream and another stream until SO many streams that are Hook can easily go to Yush that’s not far away from him. He floated, and for a while and listened to their hearts that breakings along the path, and alongs, hoping along Snow White who was down, down and stopped.
“Who was shepherds?” said Snow White and Jasmine together.
“Hmm...” said Hook. “Why that prince...”
(To me: Jasmine and Snow White are in the story! Jasmine and Snow White, but nobody else is here.)
Hoosh and Hock was still back, behind to Hook and the princesses and looked at them invigorously.
“Why are you looking at us like that?” said Snow White. “You’re supposed to leave us. There are shepherds to come along with ALL THE SHEEPS!”
Hook or Jasmine looked at her. Look at looked at them invigorously. “Why are you two are looking so vigorously like that?”
“BECAUSE WE ARE ANGRY AT EACH OTHER!!!” said Snow White. “And I’m angry at him, and he’s angry at me. So both of us are angry, alright???”
“Don’t do that thing Snow White.” Ran away to a stream that led to a narrow path, that Aladar was clearing the house that was still at... and something.
“I want to go home...”
Hook was standing on a path, on a road was led to a stream that led in to a narrow path, that led to the narrow... the narrow path that was led to contents, and was still black. It was hot, and the moon was shining in the daylight, and the sun was blazing hard.
“(Sings) SING A SONG OF THREE PENTILOCKS(?) TODAY AND I AM LATE, THE DAY IT CAN BE YAHARI HEY YAHOY! YAHARI HEY.” Hook was still nervously carrying out, and singing, “(Sings) YIPPEE YA YA YIPPEE YIPPEE YA, TWO NARROW PATHS, TWO IN THE NIGHT.” Hook was still shivering in the cold dark night... alone. “(Semi whisper) And want a drink... it’s in the cave... I’m shivering alone, and the wolf’s going to eat it... and...” escaped, and hanged from a wall. And very high for the wolfs to climb. And they flung on it, and didn’t let go. (Increasing tension) And let goed, and he didn’t fall! “That’s brave of me!” he shouted. “That’s brave!” he shouted on the cold darkness that led to his narrow stream, that was singed the song, “(Sings) BACK TO PATH, YOU ONCE THE NARROW, NARROW YAK(?) ARE SITTING ON HIS DOORSTEP, YAKKING AND A NO MAN.” Hook still stamping and looking for this. Hook who was still nervous in, still narrow in the stream that was still up in the big yard.
“Are you OK?”
“No. There are two bad wolves that wanted to eat me. They were just sleeping, they heard me shivering in the cold darkness in the night. And the sun was shining and they singed the song, ‘(Sings) Lick never, never a stream. A stream can,’ and the stream singed the same song than before, and I was very scared that it might eat me. And the narrow path led to your home. And so I came here, you were on guard. And I went there to see it was a dark.... steep, narrow... ‘(chants) stam neep neem clap a big nam ship NAM SABADASHLISH!!!! Yammer and sheep, down, down to down and all to lack.’ It was sounded really terrible. Goblins laughed and singed at the top of their voice.”
And Hoosh couldn’t believe that Hoong could sing a goblin song like that. And it went on, “(Chants) STANG nib, narrow and hang, hand and beater...”
(To me, showing me the book page: All this is contents, see the contents.)
Hoosh who was still back went and singed a song, but it make no use, and it make no difference too. Hook shouted at the top of the voice, “GOBLINS! WE ARE NOT COMING AGAIN!!!”
But goblin didn’t listen. The kept searching for them, but they never found them.
“But where is Hock??” Ogo was doing magic and was already disappearing down into a drain hole, that Hoong could never find him there. So he went back to the shouting place that the shoutings could only make out what you say, and he soon shouted, “LOOK!!! SHUSS!!!! WHERE ARE YOU????” but Hoong and Shuhss didn’t answer. They kept searching for Hock. “This is a maze... tck tck tck tck tck tck... sshh... out already.”
Hoong could still see the back of the narrow paths that led to streams that flowed into the grassland. And the grass were all there, bunched up. Grass! Grass is there! Grass!
(To me: So it was all bunched up, and he was untangling it now.)
He untangled before it went up in flames, and went up to a hill that saved the day, and had all the flames mucked up, and so much fire that he almost entangled it before the facts(?) when up in flames. And went up in flames, the whole ground, that he couldn’t manage. With all his things he tried to untangle it but they went up in flames already and they got burned.
So Hook tried to untie it, but it went out. And no one was kind there, except Corin that was so kind he untangled it before it went up in flames, and both of them untangled it. It went up and stang and stound(?), hanged and yammered, hunted and hammed.
The end.
Ok, I just transcribed another from the same day, and since it's still focused on Hook, here it is. You can listen to her tell this story HERE.
Hook was still in place, went down from the stream of heavy water gloom. “Heavy water?... Can’t avoid all these things..”
He went to a little cottage that was near (indecipherable). “(Chants) Yip Snap Crack, the big nab.”
Hoosh was still in narrow land, another one went out of the cavern and went to the cabin to (indecipherable). He saw that Corin wasn’t okay and is gloom from the water, and the water is gloomy, and he feel that he didn’t want to go, and they went down a straight narrow path.
“You must be Grumpy,” said Hook. “But how can you get a path like that, hidden Doc and Grumpy?”
And Doc spotted the narrowest path along that he took with Snow White yesterday, and said “That path! Grumpy found. Look! ” said Doc, “that path over there that I went with Snow White yesterday? The old one... they built a new one there so look to see it, but it was burned and there was another one.”
They went to the path that he went with Snow White. Both of them looked, and Grumpy and Jasmine were doing work in the copse, very near the bank.
(To me: There’s two dwarfs here. One is Doc and one is Grumpy. So Grumpy’s helping Jasmine and Doc is helping Snow White, and the others are sleeping.)
“Alright!” said Doc. Hoost was watching them went out of hiding and looked at them invigorously.
“What??? Jasmine helping Grumpy, and Doc helping Snow White... that couldn’t be!!” Hook stared in horror. “What can be (indecipherable) like that!”
(Me: Hoost and Hook and Hoong and all of them... what are they?
B: They are dinosaurs.)
Hoosh, who was staring straight back went and looked at them. “Maybe they’re having a wonderful time,” he said. He said to Aladar.
Aladar looked, and stared in surprise. “That must be a man!! Just don’t deserve it! Two mans...playing with dwarfs...”
(To me: Actually they’re princesses, but they don’t know that they’re not mans.)
Hoosh looked up, and “One hundred and thirty! One hundred and thirty! One hundred and thirty! One hundred and thirty! One hundred and thirty!”
(Me: One hundred and thirty what?
B: He says so many thirty..)
One hundred and thirty! One hundred and thirty! One hundred and thirty! One hundred and thirty! So much hundred and thirties. Hook was still saying, “Hundred and thirty! Hundred and thirty! And Hundred and thirty!... it couldn’t be!!!” he was helping the princesses, bent down upon three of tiny beds. “That I was still storming and yakking along... three of tiny beds that went to the dwarfs, of ancient friend of Grandmother Willow’s, that went to the Grandmother Willow place.”
Hook was still vanishing from his from his place.
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