I first started capturing her storytelling using the video mode on our digital camera, around about April, but she soon refused to let me film her. So I tried writing her stories while she told them, using pen and paper. That lasted for only a few stories too, before she caught on. Since then, I've been recording her using a mini MP3 recorder, which is pretty unobtrusive, and transcribing the audio later. She then objected strongly to this as well... Nowadays I use a combo of MP3 and video to record her before transcribing. I only manage to record a fraction of the stories she tells. I always have a backlog of stories on the recorder that still need transcribing, as it's impossible for me to keep up with her. To help new readers, I've marked my favourite stories with a star (*), so at least you have somewhere to start if you don't know where to begin. Don't forget to check the older archives too - there are some gems in there as well!

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Chase Adventure, 2008-02-04*

You can tell what our bedtime stories have been in recent weeks from this story - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and The Hobbit. She loves both books. We've read both through and have re-read sections of the Hobbit many times over now, and re-reading HP (from the beginning, not in sections unlike The Hobbit) now as well. This is in addition to her other regular diet of short stories, etc.

So the story features Harry, Gandalf, Dumbledore and Voldemort, and also her own cast of Haas, Hack, Han, Hap and a whole bunch of others. The storyline itself is straightforward enough, a classic chase scene, through dark narrow corridors. What I like is the interaction of the characters from the different worlds, even Aladdin makes a cameo appearance! She is very excited throughout this story and listening to her tell it herself really adds to its impact.

You can listen to her tell this story HERE.

That’s a fume sticking out. “Eeee!” from Haas, saying “I don’t like the fume!” He crossed his lips to don’t smell the smelly smell. “Ever have gone for using all these,” he said, grabbing his pinchy(?).

Harry asked, “Don’t touch me!”

“That’s index,” said Haas, getting Aladdin down.

Harry laughed and laughed wickedly. “You can come here. You can come much nearer. And Hack said you can come much nearer.”

Hack sat in a corner. Suddenly a flash of blue light hit. (To me: that’s actually Harry trying to do magic onto the goblin, but where the goblin didn’t know. They just sees Bey, Hock and all that. They didn’t know it was Harry that was trying to do magic. They didn’t know.)

Just Harry was alone. Flash, like gunpowder, passed the goblins. Many fell dead, but some grabbed. Furiously, some tried to escape, but they were already dead, and the goblins were trapped! They seized Bilbo and the dwarfs, hurried them along. (To me: that’s actually Gandalf and Harry trying to do magic, but they didn’t know, because they seized Bilbo and all that. And they didn’t know it was Gandalf and Harry changed into magic.)

Deep, dark, damp... filled with purse of air, and hurried them down, down, and the goblin laughed. Was a raft... and the raft took out so many goblins that Bilbo and the dwarfs cannot get out, and Harry lunged away down. Only Harry, with Gandalf stick like a piece of glue to him, onto his head, and there was two of them... panting with glee. Gandalf tucked away in Harry’s undergarment coat, trying not to be seen. In any direction, Harry was protected by Gandalf. Everywhere that Harry went, Gandalf stick to him like a piece of glue! (To me: Gandalf will stick to Harry because he likes Harry. That’s why he always sticks to him like a piece of glue stuck to a ball net.) And Gandalf took out his wisht(?) and suddenly he wished his way to Aladdin.

Aladdin scowled, getting out and sang, “I’m sorry, but Haas...” in one puff of smoke he disappeared. In one gulp he was gone.

“One gulp I will be gone. One gulp I will be gone and one gulp YOU will be gone,” said Haas, to hangman Hoong that was hanging on to Harry as tightly as they could. And Hangman Hoong and Harry hurried down a narrow corridor so the goblins cannot see them. And they hurried down very quietly because they thought that the goblins might chase them. And then they tiptoed... it was the sleeping Dumbledore that was already snoring in his chair. Three of them looked at Hash that was now lying down on three of tiny beds that was near Dumbledore. (To me: they are looking at Dumbledore and Hash, sleeping in two chairs there. And one is small for Hap and one is big for Dumbledore, so nice, and the three are looking at them snoring in the big chair... in the big chair and the small chair.)

And they suddenly ran down at Dumbledore, and Dumbledore awoken, to see himself gobbled up by a big ratatop(?). All five (to me: there’s Dumbledore, Hap, Han, and Harry and Haap and Maam and so there’s all five right? .... there’s Dumbledore, Hap, Han, Maam and Harry...)

They don’t know that the big wolf had swallowed them in one gulp. And there was a bird swallowed up also.

Harry felt a bit astonished when Dumbledore spoke to him. Dumbledore raised his wand and high in the air... (to me: and Dumbledore’s protecting the kids, right? And Voldemort is coming and he’s trying to do magic, and two of them are fighting, and the kids – Harry and all that – are watching and all that.)

Harry watched Dumbledore fight with Voldemort, and Voldemort died. (To me: Dumbledore always win of Voldermort, right?
Me: ok.
B: Voldemort will die from Dumbledore’s magic, right?
M: No actually, but it’s up to you how you want your story to go.)

And Voldemort died.

Suddenly Harry gasped! Voldemort had winned! And Dumbledore had died! (Chuckles. To me: Now my story is just make believe.
Me: yeah I know.
B: Don’t be very shocked like that
M: I’m not shocked (can’t help laughing!)).

Hap looked at Haas, and the kids hurried along, thinking that the dogs might attack Voldemort (suppressing a laugh), in any direction where Voldemort might be. (To me: they are thinking that Voldemort might jump out at them, and these two dogs are here protecting them, right? (pointing to the picture in the book she’s reading from, “The Secret Life of Dogs”). The dogs are protecting them. They think Voldemort is in one corner hiding somewhere trying to attack them, and they’re unsure that the dogs might attack him, so they’re wondering.
Me: what happened to Gandalf? Just now you said he was there?
B: Gandalf is just sticking to Harry like a piece of glue, on his cloak).

SUDDENLY Harry saw Gandalf on his cloak again, looking for gunpowder, trying to get out his backs and rattle his backs (?).

(Me: his what? Backs?
B: Yeah (chuckling), he’s trying to rattle Harry and Gandalf. He’s always sticking to Harry like a piece of glue.)

In a big gulp, Gandalf and everyone and Harry - Hack, Bush and all that – were gulped by the big hungry wolf. The dwarfs and Bilbo tried to attack the wolf, but they make no use. Every... Harry and Gandalf ranned out of the wolf’s stomach, and crawled down and poked the wolf in the head!!! And CLUBBED THE WOLF! In one gulp they SWALLOWED THE WOLF!!!! Suddenly Gandalf became VERY BIG and STEPPED on the wolf with one gulp, and he became small again.

Suddenly all the kids gasped. There was Dumbledore, awaking from Hap. Hap said “DAH!!!!!” EVERYONE AWOKE, even MALFOY! EVERYONE AWOKE, THE WHOLE TOWN AWOKE! Everyone awoke because Hap said “DAH!!! DA DA DA DA DAH!!!!” He making a lot of noise so everyone awoke (cracking herself up!) in one gulp, EVERYONE! THE WHOLE TOWN!! ALL THE COUNTRIES AWOKE!! Because he make the ROARRRR (throaty growling roar) sound, and everyone awoke in the whole town.

Harry tried to avoid Voldemort but he died(?), and he stamped in his horrible voice. Hahp looked at Hap and Harry that was fighting each other, in each flash. Because Ham had woken up and gulped and they looked at Haas looking at Ham. Voldemort was trying to attack them. No one is there to avoid them, no parents, no nothing. Nobody there to protect them, so they were all alone looking for Voldemort.

(Me: What happened to Dumbledore and Gandalf?
B: Dumbledore and Gandalf went away on business, because they thought that the kids can do on themself, but they couldn’t because Voldemort’s around.)

SUDDENLY, Haas laughed and a flash of lightning stroked his hair, and Harry lunged around, trying to get off his dog that was on him. The wolf tried to attack him. They RAN up a tree. The wolf followed behind. FAST, all 10 of them RAN down the corrider. Shaft (?) and short(?), Dumbledore and Gandalf avoid them but they were too late. All of them had flapped up a tree. And everyone was frightened of the wolf, VERY VERY! VERY!! BIG like a giant, and he can eat small people like Harry and Dumbledore and all that. (More and more excited). The wolf is very giant, it can eat anyone that’s not bigger than it. It’s bigger than the whole world, it’s bigger than everyone. EVEN a school or CHESSboard or a TABLE or a CHAIR or a GIANT! It’s much bigger than everything. (More sober after this.) And much bigger than house or something.

Hap RAN up a big corridor. They entered a trap door that was trying to fold itself.

Dumbledore opened it quietly. “Sssh! This way!” (To me: he said “ssh!” because someone was coming. Voldemort or something might be hiding anywhere, so he said “ssh!”). “This way,” said Dumbledore, so they hurried down... very narrow and Dumbledore locked the door. And he blocked it quietly, because he... he locked it. Dumbledore ran... went away to see Gandalf, so the kids are all alone in blast(?).

Harry said... Harry whispered to Haas, “There’s only two of them.” Harry whispered to Hap, “This way!” And they walked and walked.

VOLDEMORT JUMPED OUT AT THEM! (To me: There’s only two of them!! There’s no one to protect them. No Dumbledore, no Gandalf, no Bilbo, no Larry, no Yosh... only Harry and Hap were there.)

Suddenly Dumbledore appeared in a trance-like state, and he lunged out to touch Harry’s hand, but Harry lunged... (drops voice) quietly Dumbledore (raises voice) and Gandalf... Gandalf HIT Dumbledore FLYING through the air like a big lightning bolt, SUDDENLY GANDALF BECAME A GIANT! And was bigger than the whole earth! He stepped in the sea, and the crocodiles lunged and yelled, and something ATE Gandalf in one gulp! It was the big wolf! Gandalf said “Help” lunging around. (To me: And Dumbledore and Harry (controlling her laughter) looks astonished when they saw Gandalf yelling. And Harry and Dumbledore and Haas were looking there but Haas is looking at Dumbledore’s head because he think the wolf might want to eat him later.)

Suddenly Dumbledore... loud growling noise... it was the wolf. As Hap lunged away, Dumbledore tried to fight it, but Harry stopped him and tried to look at him.... and the wolf just died, forever.... no more!

Suddenly, Harry hit something and died. And Hash looked at Hahp. “That must be Harry, over there... lying there! Sleeping there. Over there!”

Harry woke up and they stopped. He realised that he was pointing at Haas. Harry lunged away and flew... jumped in the swimming pool while he was lying here, and looked around for any dumps of a cooking bowl. SUDDENLY he heard a loud growling noise. Voldemort took out his wisht and tried to kill Harry, and Harry lunged away. So Voldemort tried to avoid the life of dogs. In any of states Dumbledore was there, protecting them from Voldemort. There was he, standing near a well, thinking.

The end.


Lorraine said...

Wow, this one was REALLY action-packed! I love all the asides to you, how she has this consciousness as author going at the same time. And where did she get "trance-like state?!"

Anonymous said...

Bethany's grasp of language just amazes me every time! I like "deep, dark, damp...". She's so descriptive!

I'll have to try to listen to it as she tells it as soon as I have the time!
Amanda and Taryn

Anonymous said...

I've been a little behind on listening to Bethany's stories so it was hard to choose which stories to reply to. This one definitely was action-packed. I thought it was cute how she told you that it was just make-believe (so don't be shocked, ok ;). I love how she tells her stories with so much enthusiasm...you can tell it just flows right out of her. Her stories keep growing and evolving, and her use of language in her stories gets more advanced with each story...and it's interesting the way she combines characters from different stories along with her own characters. Bethany's stories are truly amazing.

Bethany said...

Thanks everyone for the lovely comments!