I first started capturing her storytelling using the video mode on our digital camera, around about April, but she soon refused to let me film her. So I tried writing her stories while she told them, using pen and paper. That lasted for only a few stories too, before she caught on. Since then, I've been recording her using a mini MP3 recorder, which is pretty unobtrusive, and transcribing the audio later. She then objected strongly to this as well... Nowadays I use a combo of MP3 and video to record her before transcribing. I only manage to record a fraction of the stories she tells. I always have a backlog of stories on the recorder that still need transcribing, as it's impossible for me to keep up with her. To help new readers, I've marked my favourite stories with a star (*), so at least you have somewhere to start if you don't know where to begin. Don't forget to check the older archives too - there are some gems in there as well!

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

The Nineown Open Chickening of Aladar, 2007-09-13

The Nineown Open Chickening of Aladar.

The Nineown Chickening was very very powerful thingy and it was very shim to learn about it. His father and his din(?) and shims, his ships and steps and the shimp(?)... “What happened to them?” he said, grumpily looking at Aladar.

Aladar said, “I will go to the Interstate and look for them in there,” said Aladar. So he went into Aladar’s... Corin went into Aladar’s pocket and find his parents. It was not... and he went out from Aladar’s pocket, it was not there. And they not there.

“We might have to find them in one of those places that they went last night... in one of those places...that they went.”

“But it’s... it’s so far away! How can you get there? How can you?”

“Walk down the trees, walk. Walk down and walk.”

Chapter Eight. Without Where is That?

“Where is that noise?” he said.

“Come on, you looking at the face.”

“I am... I did come here to repair... Aladar, I am Corin. I have to come inside, let me come inside please. Let me come inside please. Let me come inside please.”

“I won’t.”

“You have to only let me pay with (indecipherable) of it. You can’t let me in yet? Why?”

“Because I need to you to pay with dollars please.”

So he paid, then he let him in. “YIPPEE!” he said, the boy looking at the real man there that paid him.

“I will go to the Interstate,” he said, grumpily looking at the face of the man. “I will go to the Interstate today.”

“It’s very far away,” said the man.

“What shall we do?”

A BANG came, then everyone jumped in surprise. Then they said, they shouted, “Who’s that?” They clambered out, and the clambered down into one of his pockets. Then he wiped and wiped. “Are you sure I will go to the Interstate?”

“Ya! I will go there with my friends,” said Aladar. So he went to the Interstate, then he was really there. So he went inside.

“What are you doing? What happened? Something is happening, what?”

“Something is wrong.”

“Something is wrong?”

“Happened to me... I’m injured, look. I’m injured.”

“You are injured? What?”

“Because someone broked my heel,” he said. Said the boy.

Aladar said, “I will go. I will go and go and fix it in a second when you go out without the Shims. Please take my money please.” Then they both taked his money, then Aladar SCAMPERED up into the green woods. Corin let them pay. And he goed with, Corin goed with him. And they both of them scampered up, the two friends.

“Sssh! Someone’s coming. (Whispering) Aladar said I won’t sleep and I don’t know why.” Everyone (indecipherable whispered phrase).

BOOM came, then everyone shouted. “WHAT’S THAT???” said Aladar. “Sssh!” said Corin. “(Whispering) That is them, that is them,” said Corin. “That is them, that is them.The goed into the stream. Out. I lead the way.”

So he leaded the way to where his home is. He’s sick, Aladar fixed it.

“There. A white (indecipherable)” said Aladar.

“But I’m still injured!” Aladar fixed it some more.

“I feel fine already. I feel fine, right? That good job Aladar,” said Corin to Aladar.

“That is very noisy.” They scampered into the deep forest again. And they left.

“What, what... who’s bugging me?” said Aladar.

“I feel, like you also, someone touching me,” said Corin.

Aladar said, “I think it’s a.. maybe a bug.” So they scampered into the deep forest with the two bugs. Then it was VERY dark. And very care of the bugs.

Aladar’s bug said, “It’s not very deep. It’s very Shim... that’s why you can’t see anything.” So they came out of the center. Aladar know this. Aladar know the thing.

“It’s a moose,” said Aladar.

“Yes it is,” said Corin.

The bug said, “No, it’s not a moose. It is Shim.”

“It is SHIM!!!!”

Then their two voice close, looking at the thing. “Yup,” and then “What was that?” said Corin’s bug. “It is a moose,” said Corin’s bug.

Said Aladar’s bug, “That is a Shim’s bug,” he said, clambered into the deep forest and with Aladar. Aladar was very very noisy.

“No,” he said, “that is not a moose. That is a goat,” said Aladar. “Be sense. That is not a moose,” he said, clambered into the deep forest.


Monday, 29 October 2007

More scampering in the forest, 2007-09-13

One said, “Mom, can I go with two Ms?”


“So where you want to go? Why you want to go there?” Said I

“But I like to,” he said gloomily looking at one of the Fomats, and one of the Shims said, “You can go there later, with one of the Shims, and I will go to the Interstate, and they will go with I because I need them.”

All his property. All his property. He scampered down into the deep part of the woods and found he was too mean to be with on there. “I will go without it.” He will choose him to go in on there, on the kip(?), into the deep forest. “And I will go too.”

He scampered down, “I will go into the deep forest. I think I am still slim.” So he scampered down into the deep forest. “And I will go to the house, on the house, but not on the woods inside the house.” He said “I (yells loudly) have to go.”

And they had to scamper. They had to scamper. He will hug. He will hug. He will hug the whole place.

“I will go into the proper entry, to found the Interstate.”

Adventures Deep in the Forest, 2007-09-13

Transcribers note: Her word of the day seems to be "scampered"

They scampered down into the open woods, into the dark new forest. They were holding their lamp, so they can see where they were going and where they’re on. It was very far away. It was very far away. It was very far away, and very teeny... they walked deeper into the woods and they found something that led to the broad bend, but it was not like Chin. Chin’s one was very hard and on, and very slim. He had scampered down into the deep woods, and scampered up into the orange wood.


And he said, “No I’m not!”

He scampered down into the deep woods. And he zeroed down, deeper into the woods. And scampered up, he scampered down again. Till he went to his friend. “I remember, that you told me you won’t run away from me and my friends.”

“You said there was monsters deeper into the woods, right? So never goed in there. Deeper in there, there will be inside it. And there will be Vims down on it, down deeper into the forest you will find New York (?) in the Shims of the It. (She uses a lot of her own made-up names that can make some stories rather confusing!). And the It will tell you you have to go deeper more into the woods, right? So I never run away from you, or not from my friends either.”

“You have to just stay with me, I’m a friend. And you have to be on my shoulder and back. You don’t want to fall down right?”

So he stepped on his shoulder again, and didn’t move.

“Good boy!” said Aladar. “So you stepped on my back now. Now you are with my friends and me too. Aha!” he said.

They were going deeper into the woods, until Aladar shot something. It was a knight, one of the knight, then Aladar said, “You told I won’t run away,” he said, “you won’t run away?”

They walked deeper and deeper, and the guard there told them not to go deeper into the woods, and not into Shims and not into Shins and not into Shims and not into Ships and not into Shims and not into night on (indecipherable) trip.

“What is that noise?” What is that noise said. “What is that sound coming from the window?”

Aladar said, to what is that noise said, “Shall we get very very deep into the woods, so you not supposed to go into the woods with me. What is that Ship? What is that Ship who are very terrified to hear what is that noise? Someone making that noise for?”

He said, “What is that noise? Why is Aladar’s friend... thing walking... what is that thing walking? What is that thing walking?” said Shim, terribly looking at the service from Aladar’s two places.

Aladar said, “I’m not like a Ship, I’m like Dorin(?),” he said. And Dorin said, “I’m his friend.”

Aladar said, “There is not so much of thingymajiggy.” And there was old pages and new pages again, and old pages. They were living inside one of the (indecipherable), and they were injured, inside one of the things. One of the Zips, and one of the Zipson. One of the Zipsoff was very very slim.

They were very on (indecipherable). And they was down into deeper into the forest, and they goed, clambered into, on Shim. And they were on one of the bad Shims (c.f. the Shim Davinoars that she explained about some time before – one of her invented creatures...). They said, “Go clamber down onto the Shim, right?” And they goed down.

“Would I move to the deeper forest?” And there were Shims packed into the deep forest. They clambered down into the deep forest. They clambered up and up into the deep well and slide down one of the Shims, then Aladar told him not to go by his self.

“Ssshh!” Aladar said Onn was very very off it. He goed on one of the plans, and the plans looked up and saw Aladar on as he clambered up deeper into the forest. They goed, “(Whispering) Ssssh! Aladar... (indecipherable phrase) today.”

“(Still whispering) Yes I know, I will be careful. (Another 45 seconds of indecipherable continuous whispering).”

(Indecipherable phrase in a high squeaky voice)

On ships, one of the ships were going on to off there, Kim’s. He travelled in. He travelled into the deep blue sea.

Aladar scampered deep into the deep forest. He was by his self and lonely. There was his friends! “Ah, I know where is it,” said Jen.

Chapter Four, Without This.

There was Zip, said “Where is my other friend Zip, too?.... Ah! I know,” said Zip. “I will just swim... I swim there.” And he dived. “Ah! I know where is that noise!” He scampered into the deep blue forest to find one of his friends. He scampered deeper into the forest to find his good friend.

“I remember! Seeing go,” Aladar said. “You pointing, I remember. You point out Corin to the deep forest, right? But he not going into the deep forest, right? (Whiny voice) You point to go inside, but I like to go with them. They were into the forest with you that morning. But your friend died. How can play with your friend?”

“He very big and strong, but I like that.”

“To be... my friend killed...”

“What?? Why???... I like him so much... fetch his doctor...”


“You can play with his skyship. And he’s very noisy today. You can’t play with him, you can’t play with him today.”

“You can’t play with him today, right? He’s very noisy today, and very seeming.”

“So I will take you to the bed”

“But why???”

“Because he’s very on... on it today. And he’s kind, because his mommy is very (indecipherable)”


“Because he is Bin’s friend and you can’t play with him today because he wants his mama to hold his hand, so he won’t play with you today.”

“BUT I LIKE!!!!!!!!!”

And he said, “I want your friend.”

“I like that noises,” she said to Corin, carefully... Bin.

Aladar said, “(Whispers) Ssssh! That not right (indecipherable next few seconds).”

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Human World, not Dino World, 2007-10-26**

Very interesting bit of backstory that she explained to me today. Corythosaurus hasn’t appeared in any of her stories in recent weeks, although he used to be a major character in previous months, so I asked her about him, and also about the new characters she’s introduced in recent weeks that keep reemerging in different stories (most of which I haven’t managed to record because she’s put an almost complete ban on me recording anything at all for a few weeks now, screaming at me to stop whenever she notices the recorder. The only reason I got this story was because she was so wrapped up in it and didn’t notice the recorder...)

So, her new main character, Corin, is apparently Corythosaurus in human form. She said all her characters have been turning from dinosaurs into human. Some have already completed the change but others are still in the process of turning. This has been going on for a few weeks now, and has coincided with her recording ban. Another new major character, Pip, which she introduced BEFORE having heard of Enid Blyton’s Five Find-Outers, that is such a major influence on her current stories, started life as a dinosaur but has also completely turned into a human now (she was SO pleased that one of the Find-Outers names is Pip, and he immediately became her favourite character). Aladar, her mainstay character, still appears in her stories, but as more of a background figure – he is apparently still in the process of turning from dinosaur to human and is still more dinosaur than human. When I asked her how the change took place, she said mysteriously, “by magic”. The other Find-Outers frequently appear in her latest stories as well, alongside Corin and Aladar, and also appear in this story (Fatty, Larry, Daisy and Bets, besides Pip).


This story is remarkable in how she pulls on many different elements and characters from books we've been reading together and weaves her own original new story with them all.


  1. Corin, now a human, formerly Corythosaurus that appears in all her stories
  2. Fatty, Larry, Pip, Bets, Daisy and Mr Goon from Enid Blyton's Five Find-Outers mystery series
Cameo appearances
  1. Aladar, her ever present character
  2. Beth, from Enid Blyton's Faraway Tree series
  3. Peter and Jane, from the Ladybird early reader series

STORY IDEAS (My educated guess, she didn't say so directly)

  1. A door between two worlds, idea from Narnia
  2. A door through time that allows the children into Dino World, Usborne's Young Adventure series, A Dinosaur Adventure
The children looking for a mystery to solve and finding one caught between two worlds. Hiding from Mr Goon at the same time (he cannot enter Dino World though, I asked her for clarification... only the 5 can - Larry, Fatty, Bets, Pip and Daisy... not the others. The dinos also cannot come into their world.)

I think that's about it, but there's probably more I missed!

So let’s go in with Fatty, and Pip goes out.

And who was dressed up? Pip. Let’s go with Pip and Fatty.

The others too, go in to make the ice-cream. “WE’RE ALL READY!” said Corin, “Phew!”

“Tch!” said Larry, disgusted. “We are all doing” (cut off by) “SSSH!!” said Pip suddenly. “I looked, someone coming!” Pip hide. They all hide, also Pip. They went out to see what was it happening.

“WHAT noise is that??? What oh what? I will whack that noise.” So they whacked it.

“I WHACK and WHACK! That will be knocking ... for the old grandma.”

“(Wailing) Don’t say no more, no say no more, oh don’t say no more, oh oh....(trails off)”

But... but.... “(Strangled voice) Mama...”

No one could go by noon.

“It is expection... a expection... expection is now going to be a in... it’s Dino World...” (expection=expectation, her mispronunciation)

“DINO WORLD????” said Corin. “We are humans! This not Dino World, this human world!”

“It’s tomorrow, this human world. Dinosaur! Dino World...”

“Human world!”

“Dino world!”

“Human world!”

“Don’t fight!” said Corin, ignoring it. The other two stopped.... fighting.


“I’m looking at something terrible,” said Corin. “The other two find.... what???” said Corin.

Said Aladar, “What are you doing??”

“You woke me up,” said his mommy.

Aladar said, “Okay.... Fatty! Don’t do that!!! He pulling at your leg, Larry. Don’t. Stop him doing that!”

Larry stopped him. “Don’t do that, pull at my leg.”

“Don’t pull at my leg, Larry. Don’t pull at my leg now,” said Fatty.

“Now stop you two!” said Corin. “What’s all the trouble.”

(Silence of a several seconds). Corin didn’t know there was Hoomps around. In their expection, he didn’t know (increasingly whiny tone) there were Hoomps around! But no! Hoomps around!

“(Switches to jaunty singsong tone) He didn’t know there was Hoomps. He didn’t know there was Hoomps. He didn’t know there was Hoomps. He didn’t know there was Hoomps. He didn’t know there was Hoomps. (Soft singsong throughout). “

“I will stop there. I stop there.”

“Stop that now! No more! I still stop you, too! Stop you two!” said Larry. “Stop you! Act right!” said Larry. “Don’t pull at my leg.” The other two STOPPED.

He listened.... “Wow! WOW, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Stop that!” said Corin.

“Corin say that,” the other ones “sssh” did... shout at Toom. Toom was scared, he runned then like.. like.. he’s human now! So he stopped and others... gone already. He did now RUN TO THE OTHERS. “CORIN’S COMING!!” They all hid.

Corin seed them. Then went out from his bush.

“It’s alright! It’s just Corin. Corin have come to rescue us. Come to rescue us.”

(Silence for a several seconds). “(Jaunty singsong tone) He’s come to rescue, he has come to rescue us.”

(To herself. That’s all mine. I stopped there, in orange.)

Corin didn’t know there was Hoomps on in that place, so he dared to find that out. He and Larry put the eye out from his dish and CATCH IT UP! Quickly as they can the others catch it up with T-Rex.

They be dead. “Ssshh! Ssshh! Ssh! Ssh!” Aladar and Corin died already, should not end... Corin lived on the world when the dinosaurs died, from east to north.

Much porridge came, and they eaten some... and humans came, and dinosaurs died.

To me:THE DINOSAURS ALREADY DIED!!!! Now the humans came! (Me: Ok..)

Still to me: Now the Find-Outers came. (Me: Very nice.)

Corin already died. Larry appeared. Pip. Kim. Someone is him.

“OH! Corin is in.” Corin wasn’t there..

“CORICH, where’s Corin gone? I want... have expection on him,” said Larry. “Where is he?”

“He is just in the corner there, writing a newspaper under his desk. You can go and speak to him if you want. But don’t get into trouble by Mr Goon! Don’t!”

“He is not a one to get into trouble by HIM.”

“Pip get into trouble.”

“No, don’t get into trouble! He said that. He was prove that Larry was on a mystery or something. He was coming after him.”

“Dear Poom, promise not he will be sick.”

“Oh, he’s sick!” said Corin.

Said Larry, on the morning, “He’s sick. We’d better go and see him.”

“NO! NO!!! We’ll get sick too.” So Larry didn’t do that.

“LARRY!! LARRY!!” Larry was gone already! “Where he have gone? Where he have... gone?? Daisy... Fatty... or mommy...”

“Pip then said ‘I don’t know!’ Pip must have gone, Pip is not THERE. Here’s a fact.... see? That big foot over there? That must be Pip. THAT Pip!!!” said Fatty.

“They were always by there,” said Bets. Bets found a clue. She picked that clue up. She said, “What clue is it? This is it, Fatty.”

Fatty said, “Oh, this clue that you have got? That... I don’t know!”

“Who then I?” said Pip.

“Where is Pip’s voice?”

“Pip?.... Pip is close.”


“Poom????... What’s Poom?”

“It’s the exact same thing.” And he gets it, Pip. “Poom,” said Pip.

“Sssshh!! PIP!” said Larry. “I’m here.”

“Ssh! Ssssshhh, Pip” said Fatty suddenly. “I hear someone coming already.” They all hid behind the bush. And the Find-Outers “Ssshh! Mr Goon is coming.” And they sit there, deep deep in the lake where the bush came. The bush came. When they got the bush they hid behind it.

“Oh, that’s ok, he wouldn’t spot us if we do that.”

“He didn’t spot us... I’d run, following the same path.”

“He didn’t! Yippee!”

“It has barely poured...”

Suddenly, a foot goed in the water. They went up to see what was it... it was a giant! They went out and find very high, very very high indeed. No forest, and nothing was THERE.


“Can you don’t poke?.... the giant will go far. Yippee, the giant’s bone broke.”

“Ohhh... oh oh oh oh oh!”

“Oh!” said Corin. “The giant’s leg broke!”

“Yippee! We can have it.” They put it on their hand and seed what was it. It was like a leg... but it was REALLY a leg! Nothing could step in there. It broke two parts already.

(To herself: I will read this.)

Corin knew... Fatty leapt out from that. “Fatty, DON’T GO!” said Pip. “Who want you?”

“OH!” said Fatty.

“But Fatty don’t want me.” So he stepped back in the water, deep... deep... hoping Mr Goon wouldn’t come again. Mr Goon didn’t come.

Said Corin, straight at Fatty, “In the morning we got a listener. It’s when the gent, he was stepping, and someone was there (breaks into a guffaw)... it was Fatty! Who was that? Always that Fatty pokes me, did expect also... I wonder... the other’s seen (breaks into very loud laugh)”

“Ssshh!!” said Larry. Said Fatty to Larry, “Don’t laugh! He will hear you, coming. He will look around for you if you laugh.” Fatty only laughed. He took his coat out from there, so the Find-outers didn’t know where was he.

“So.. before he comes,” said Corin.

“No,” said Fatty. “No,” said Fatty to Larry.

Bets, with such a little nudge, “(Exclamation sound).... is that a gnome?”

“Yes, that’s a gnome... you’r correct! Sssh!”

“Hey Larry, hey Larry, Larry, Larry! Lar-ry! Larry!! Larrrrry!!... Larry, Larry! Larry!! (ascending tone) Larry! Larry! Larry!” said Fatty.

“What?” said Larry. “I’m on it.”

“Give Hermagus(?) a nudge, and he will wake up at the moment.” Then Corin will make the nudge. It stretched, Corin with a nudge, he didn’t woke up. “He’s dead or something!” said Corin, said Pip.

“So much...” said Corin. He didn’t wake up. “Why,” he said, “phew... don’t mind your foot”

“How? How... have he gone to the Interstate without clothes, and dead. How??? Couldn’t be too... he must have gone away far-er... far from there. He must. He must have gone far. Very far, to be... and be,” said Larry, touched Corin with a nudge at his paws. Corin didn’t woke up either.

“What shall I do?” said Fatty in that morning. “I wouldn’t see Pip again.” Pip and Bets went out in their own house and said, “Goodbye!!!” They sleeped.

“OHHHH!” said Larry. “We are wouldn’t sees them again! We wouldn’t! We wouldn’t! We wouldn’t! We wouldn’t!”

“We still got Fatty here,” said Keenup(?). “Bets... why are you still here??”

“At home.. I just woke up!” said Bets. “I was here. And I didn’t know that you too was here standing THERE.”

“The others was gone to bed then... Fatty, Daisy, that.”

“Who is... Daisy?”

“You mean she didn’t join it?”

“Did she?”


Daisy come, then they be all together again. But Pip was still sleeping. Fatty just went inside and gave Pip a little nudge. He WAKED UP. “What you doing here?”

So Fatty pointing, he didn’t say anything. Just pointed. “Sssh!... There,” said Fatty. “The nice place with the night, they hide there. And the others found them, locked in there.”

They didn’t. The others teed(?) to the window and said, “Be quiet! The others hid in there.” And they didn’t go out either, or swim in. In there. Soon. They didn’t do that either.

“Ohh,” said Corin. “Can we get out? It’s very dusty here.”

“No! Let that noise come nearer.” The noise come, goed nearer, and didn’t know... it went away, he died.

“(Silly singsong tone) Yippee! It died! It died, it died, it died, it died, na na naa!” said Fatty.

“No, it just had eaten lunch. He’ll wake up.”

“NO!! NO!!!” said Jane.

“Ssssh Jane, ssssh... sssh. If you say that he will wake up, and he wouldn’t go by noon.”

Corin didn’t know there was Hoomp around. Beth came with a little nudge there, said “All these are good.” She gave them a nudge, and she looked out and said, “Garden of our yard....”. So she HID with the others too. Other three.

“Don’t!” said Daisy, “What Jane?”

“I thought you will give him a little nudge..”

“No, didn’t. Peter!” Peter opened his eyes..

“Wake him. Wake him up! Wake him... wake him up.......... Up! WAKE HIM UP!!! Come on, wake him up.” Corin stand there again, doing nothing. He couldn’t wake him up.

“I... I didn’t know you was here. Jane, can you stop?”

“I thought we were going to that...”

“(Yawning) No I’m not... when the others go there, I’ll do that.” Opened... they was opened... and the others all... and they all get in the world there... Sharp thing, they didn’t went in there.

“Is it a choon?... It’s a CHOON! Yes!”

“What is it?”

“A choon for dinosaurs to walk in, not for humans.” They didn’t step in there. They locked it, and he didn’t knocked. They tried to go through the window, and they found them in own world.

“Sssh!” said Larry, nudging. “We’re in, caught in middle.” Now they went in the hole, “Oh no..”

They didn’t. Fatty went in his own world. And Larry did, too. And the dinosaurs died, and the humans didn’t die. And the Hoomps didn’t die. And the Vamps didn’t die, and the Hooms didn’t die. And the Choons didn’t die, and the Pams and the Goons.

“I hope we got mystery,” said Bets.

“No, we don’t!” said Fatty, in morning. “You got some Hoomps around you... sleep for now.”

Bets sleeped with Pip that morning. They will warn you, keeping an eye on Mr Goon. Is he away. So that day, the holidays came, and they went out to find a mystery. And thent hey found the mystery after all. “I hope Mr Goon wouldn’t get it,” said Larry.

“I hope he wouldn’t, he wouldn’t either do that.”

“If he didn’t get into trouble. I...”

“Bye, bye!”

Fatty opened the telescope to see who was in trouble. Him. The others be, leapt out from Pip, and scuttled off. Will be please him, Mr Goon. Until from him, he said “Pester... him.”

They said, “Thanks.”

“Keep a eye on those kids. They will come around this pit before we catch them.” He didn’t catch them. He didn’t know there were Choons around, and all they catch them. Then he did. He careful of this new creature. Then, oops... and they carried him in, and they put him in the house and there stayed for a long long long time.

“He will go on the run... around.”

“(Sings softly) Cold... chimney... if you don’t want to be the left...”

“No, don’t sing that,” said Corin, said Larry. He give Fatty a little nudge at the back of his corner.

“Don’t, it’s dark... night. And we will run away, run run away. Very, very dangerous.” The others run away, in fact they cried. And very ugly, very scary. And the others runned and runned. What terror. They fight with the others in there, and then they crashed forward, Fatty. Fatty lured, going on the deep side, said Bets.

“You know I would have that.”

“No, I wouldn’t.”

“Because you are the hero.”

“What??? Hero?”

“You are a hero.”

“It’s something like a disguise, just for fun. I normally used to have that. I’ll be in my home now. Now I send it to carry doubt that wants it, through my disguise, fool them. I normally have it, yesterday.”

And they had it, opening some shirts. “Something in here!”

“Oh, what?”

(Stops here...)

Saturday, 20 October 2007

The Healer and the Germs, 2007-09-12

Although this story is not as coherent as it could be, it is nonetheless very interesting for the dual perspective it introduces. The first part is obviously influenced by Bible stories of Jesus as a Healer and Friend. Then in the second part she switches perspective and approaches it from a whole different angle – that of the germs!

“We will help you,” said the boy, coming and looking at one of the sick, “Go fetch! You too.”

So he fetched, and fetched and fetched and fetched. For a second.... for a second there was a loud BANG!! He looked up and saw it’s a knocking something there over and over and over. He knocked over and over and over till he as though no can do anything else without.

“This not a summer end,” he said, “talking by me,” he said. “There will be something at the same time, and nothing will be with me too. I will be cheap (indecipherable). I will love everyone, and I will love you too. I will love everyone in the whole wide world,” he said. (Reflects Bible’s influence).

“Got my leave, looking in the phone now.” (not sure this is transcribed correctly!)

“I will love everyone,” said the man too. “He was their friend, and I will be their friend too. And I will be their friend, Chin and Pip.” Pin and Pip have demanded to the other one, “And we will be there.”

And then he moved the whole world bad guy. He made the whole world bad guy. For a second he makes up his (indecipherable). (Her own inference on God’s role as Creator?)

The next section of the story is told from the perspective of the germs that cause illness.

“Find the dessert!!” They have found it, the dessert. They have found the dessert, where the dessert went. “I will find it for you,” said the hermit. “It’s under a big red dish, that led to the bottom and it goes ALACK... doom. And sometimes has been chewed. I’ll find it for you.”

So he looked and looked, up and up and up and up, up up... for his need of... that could wander out with his... with his brother. “I CAN!!! Do that... pinch his nose.”

“Pinching a nose is very fine, you can do all sorts of things with it like that, or a nose or a shin or a needle. I will always spread disease... germs. (Soft singsong) germs germsy germs, germs germsy germs, germs germs germsy germs, germs germs germsy germs, germs germs germsy germs.... are we the bad guy? Meet the bad guy!” (In an undertone) This is the bad guy... he’s coming.

The doctor spied him.

Sounds how you do it. Up and up they went! Up the stairs, then down the stairs, then down and down and down. Down the stairs they went, feeling... and be feeling by the (indecipherable). They went down and goed upstairs again, and goed down the stairs by his BISH! Bish down bish down, bish one way up. They bished down. Then they bished up. Then they used (indecipherable). They settled by noon, and after they have finished they got a lovely bunch of coconuts... they lied. (Mumbled phrase of a song).

Came nearer... they walked deeper into the big big house, but nothing was there. Only some mills and some miles, some mills and some miles... and villagers. There were (indecipherable) villagers to read. To read, they went up and up the stairs, how they could. There was there’s a big room. He scampered up into the... scampered up... scampered up. He scampered up into the big (indecipherable) that growed there. There was no escape. “There was no escape,” she said, he said.

Up and up the hill they went. Up, up and up the stairs, they were finding one of the blue man. It was him. And one day they walked up and up the stairs, and softly tread. Then she go down the stairs again. And go up the stairs and down the stairs and up the stairs and... “I’m... I’m too tired...”

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

The Mystery of the Garden with No House, 2007-10-08*

I am just SO backlogged with story transcriptions that I have close to 70 untranscribed recordings still on my computer, dating from the second week of September. But this afternoon's story was such a surprising one, that I decided to transcribe it immediately and post it, and clear the backlog as and when I am able to - there ARE some real gems in there too, only her rate of storytelling was so great that I lost track of which files contained the great stories (they're saved with cryptic names such as REC018-10Sept, for example...). But in the past several days, since she turned 3, she has NOT been allowing me to record any stories again. However, this time she has been insisting I sit and listen to her TELL the stories, WITHOUT any recording device nearby or anything (in her phase immediately prior to this one she would announce which stories she wanted me to record, and was quite happy for me to leave the recorder near her and let me get on with other things). Anyway, the net result of this change has been that I've been listening to some amazing new stories from her, but have not been able to record any, and have had no time to transcribe any of the backlogged ones either.

So on to the present story. She suddenly decided I could record this one. And then decided to leave me with a cliffhanger! You'll see when you read the story below. The explanation of what happened later is after that.

You can listen to her tell this story HERE.

“We can find here a garden, but no house.”

“Very mysterious,” said Aladar getting out from bed, and...

“Daddy, there is a mystery to solve.”

“Please let go of that mystery.”

“That mystery?”

“There’s a garden with NO HOUSE!”

“(Shocked noise),” says the daddy, “WHAT??? There’s a garden with NO HOUSE???”

“There’s a garden with no house daddy!!”

Corin jumped, from bed too. “(Gulping sound) There’s a mystery to solve, YIPPEE!!!” he said jumping out from bed. “Yippee!!!” he said, then jumping out from bed.

Corin jumped. All of them jumped out from there, and all wearing their night caps and pyjamas. They didn’t dress up. So, so when they had read this, the garden with no house, “(Shocked sound) There’s no house anymore!” said Corin, “it had been tooken away by someone else!

Corin jumped. “(Shocked noise) NO ONE!!! SOMEONE HAVE TOOKEN THE HOUSE!!” said Corin.

“(Shocked noise) Now someone is got garden, where’s the house? Someone tooken it!!” said Aladar.

“Shh.. someone is coming... the policeman. Shhh,” he said, “the policeman is coming.”

“You’re RIGHT! The policeman is coming. Shh.. the policeman Corin is coming,” said the good Corin. “Shh! The bad Corin is coming. Shh! The bad Corin is coming!... Shh..” said Corin again. “Shh! Shhh! Sshhh!!! Be quiet!”

So the policeman came nearer and nearer and nearer and nearer to them. Almost he reached there a GAP came from the edge. A mysterious thing HAPPENED. “MY!!!!!! A most mysterious thing happened!”

(A nearby siren goes off and the next phrase is indecipherable). “I will see Aladar’s ribbon, thank you.”

Then he could be scared the... the mysterious gardener was coming. “Better be quiet!” (Singsong, quietly) Asked, “What shall I do?” He went, “AH! High heels!... they have finally got it at last. Well, my father then, he have finally got it at last!”

“My new deputy, you make a very good one!” His... his partner was a inspector! “Sshh! Here comes him again.”

Corin jumped as he went to the mysterious house that have been tooken away. The house have goed along some bad corips(?) of hills.

(To me: I shall stop here!

Me: No, don’t stop! I want to know, how did they find out where is the house?

B: The house been tooken somewhere by a person that they didn’t know.)

After this she teasingly started the continuation of her story many, many times, always starting and stopping at the same place, with me begging her to finish the story in between. I will not transcribe all these repititions here, but only the two sentences that she intermittently started and stopped for the rest of the evening, giving me a cheeky grin each time she left me at the cliffhanger!

Corin JUMPED as he went to some dark open plains!..... I shall stop here!

Thursday, 4 October 2007

More story within the story, 2007-09-09

Shell story is in black, story within the story is in blue.

“Babyyyy…. Something’s in my eye.” There’s something in Aladar’s eye just now. Then, Luigi’s. Written by Horin Horsay. Illustrations by Aladar T. Watten.

Contents. Page Numbers. Page One, Without It. Page Two, With one Kim. Page Three. Without Aladar Maiasaura. Page 4. Without It. Page 5, Without the Man. Page 6, Without It. Page Seven, Without the Men. Page 8, Without Aladar. Page 9, With Pete. Page 10, Without Chin. Page 11, Need Your Help. Page bookmarked…

He’s always being bookmarked. Our books.

They bookmarked their books. For a second they heard a loud bang.

Chapter One. They heard a noise. They heard a strange noise, at their feet there was something moving their way… it was a apple. And the Apple said to the Compsognathus, he said, “I will just fly up there,” he said. “On your HEAD! Of course.”

HE LET OUT… he let out… what did he let out? …. Who who who, what did they let out?... Mm? What did they let out? No, this says that this is the one…

And they let out Pinz.

They let out Pinz for a while, and Pinz came in again, with a Nine bag, that glowed in the moon.. moon.. in the moonlight. He wanted them to be with his wife’s daughters, because she was very poor, she will be happy not in a second. But she was very old and deep, and very dark and very very enormous. And VERY.. bookmarked it.

She bookmarked the book.

But she wouldn’t be happy if she saw some dinosaurs passing by her house inside, that would be horrible.

She would be happy in a moment, and very poor and very wifey, but she will be happy in a minute, she will be happy.

THAT morning she was checking out some books for a while.

“Here I come!”

“Jump! 1 2 3 jump! Use your roller skates to jump over that high rock if there any. Jump over them, JUMP!... JUMP!!... JUMP!!!... JUMP!!!... JUMP!!!... JUMP!!!... JUMP!!!... JUMP!!!!... JUMP!!!!... JUMP!!!!...(sings) DOH RAY ME Fa so la ti.. (spoken) yuck.”

“JUMP!!! (Sings, ascending tone) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 TWENTYYYY! There will be!”

“DO!!! One to eleven, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 11, 12.” They were putting on some casts for a second when they wanted to be.

“They want to record you,” he said.

“WHY want to record me?”

“Because it’s them to record you. That’s why we are dumb people. That why we are bad people and just CUT off hair and pull your hair and tie your hair again, tie you hair again.”

That morning mommy said, “Can you tie my hair baby? It’s very long and very enormous. Then baby started brushing. And very enormous, for a second he see the top of the trees. He get some food for a while. Then get some enormous drink that he can reach. HE was reaching something, but don’t know what was it. (Laughs) It fall on his head. (Laughs and then through laughter) And then was banana on his head. So is very funny. Aladar laughed and laughed (still laughing), “That is very bananaish (guffaws, dissolves into laughter)”.

“What was that? What was it? What was poking me?” It was Snate, another dog was in there. .. Singing what a creature, singing what a creature. “(Walks away, singing) Creature is with the Nineown Hill, with the Nineown…”

Featuring parasaurolophus, 2007-09-08

Started recording this well after she’d started.

Long long village, and deinonychus came. Said, “I will knock knock!” Knock knock. He came in, feeling rather sad or something. Or not maybe sad, this is deinonychus, and this is parasaurolophus. And Corin lived in a long long village with deinonychus that morning. He said, “How? Where? Where did you get this one from?” said deinonychus.

“It’s from the Nineown Open Plains,” that he said. “I have to go to the office to play this adventure, so I got it from him. Then I get the girl, then I packed parasaurolophus.”

And parasaurolophus said, “Wow, then where did you get me from?”

I said, “We will be in, we might trotting a horse or something.”

“Wow, I didn’t see you trot a horse this far?”

“Ah, I said I have to get a trotter horse.” So he went out to find a trotter horse, my trotter horse and said, “Do you like this trotter horse that I got for you and for me? It’s your trotter horse. I found him on the main yard.”

“How did you know it?”

“Ah, my mommy said I had to go down to see your horse or something. My mommy said that.”

“Wow! Wow… where did you get it? I want to record you,” he said.

“Ah, you can’t because I’m not telling a story.”

“Ah, sorry!”

“Go! GO Go go!! Don’t pin a bin that looks like a pish live among parasaurolophus mommy today.”

“I was very morning and deepy and VERY housy today.” All the norins and all the ups and all the corins and all the jets and the vans came because it was a sunny morning. And each of them came and up and up and up and everybody saw. Everything came, then they came too.

Theee end.