I first started capturing her storytelling using the video mode on our digital camera, around about April, but she soon refused to let me film her. So I tried writing her stories while she told them, using pen and paper. That lasted for only a few stories too, before she caught on. Since then, I've been recording her using a mini MP3 recorder, which is pretty unobtrusive, and transcribing the audio later. She then objected strongly to this as well... Nowadays I use a combo of MP3 and video to record her before transcribing. I only manage to record a fraction of the stories she tells. I always have a backlog of stories on the recorder that still need transcribing, as it's impossible for me to keep up with her. To help new readers, I've marked my favourite stories with a star (*), so at least you have somewhere to start if you don't know where to begin. Don't forget to check the older archives too - there are some gems in there as well!

Saturday, 14 July 2007

101 Dalmations, early July 2007

Another one that's part of our present backlog of stories on the recorder. She was "reading" this from her 101 Dalmations storybook. Twice when she reached the last page, she just flipped back to the cover again to continue her tale. Such change points are obvious when you read this story below.

Inside and they frightened
Cruella and Pongo
The truck man, is looking for us…
We must find a way to get out
The truck picked out and away all baby dogs
And they didn’t know what to do
And they get on the move
When they take him for a walk
They barked out this message
And they say BITE, INSIDE!
And they barked out this message
They heard that and they settled down in the hayloft
And they saw late
They like a diamond in the sky, the others
And he get out a message
Get out a message
Get out a message
About few stolen puppies
Puppies? That is very good
And they free of the… popped down in the hay
Someone, someone like a giraffe
Like a giraffe in the hay
And they didn’t know that was a haystack
And they heard that again
And hundred and some dalmations
And they get up one hundred dalmations
At one day, they bathed along the pit
And they surround a room, inside a pond, tiptoed
And they tiptoed too quietly to the room
And peeked through the window
And they’re, they’re, they’re dalmations
Like, like so many eyes, inside
So many held in the room
Thinking about what broken window
And thinking out what could they saw
What could they see before, something outside
The bottom was white ####
And they settled down in the hay, like a speckled something
Right in the hayloft, saw old sheepdog
That listened to the sound of the barking
And he GET OFF away inside the coach
And he GET all the puppies
They snapped, that puppies to be that way
And saw the ladder
He slaaaamed the door and went by
And gone, and and and and in ###
Here Badun! They watching me
And they get out inside the puppy dog
They lived happily ever after
The end
One day they lived happily ever after
Theeee end
101 dalmations byyyy dinosaurs!
101 dalmations by dinosaurs
Happily down
With his new wife (indecipherable phrase)
Somebody else byyyy Pongo and Perdita
And they finding Pongo and Perdita
And they rally up at someone
And stopped, he left inside
The room, they find them, they walked
And they were in moment
The mommy ### and they taking a walk
Pretend to be
They snap and they ###
“What shall we go now?” asked Perdita, looking out in the place
Looking at it…. “They don’t know how to talk!”
The maid got a 15 ### ###
“I hold them blocking off the village just now
And I got outside and see what is happening to the puppies
We ran outside in a broken window
And peered to the dinosaur’s village
And peeked to the village and snatched that puppy”
And they wait
And they wait
And snatch that puppy and they went
Asked him
The garden ### and a window
There was something, something that pulling them in a hurry
Hurry! Hurry Perdita
Put out from on the road
On the road, we together get out inside
Inside the puppies, night time
They lived happily after
Theee end
101 dalmations
By Ladybird
101 dalmations by ### ### ###
The remaining children
Peeped through the window sill
And they find, they found the puppies
So they peeked again through the dog’s hole
There was full of puppies
Outside been before
They haven’t be ### yet
They peeped through the window sill
And found a little dog house
By 101 dalmations
Some of them didn’t know Dr Seuss again
Across the window
He sighed, he had the courage
And outside
And they get out in the place, outside
Outside in the place
Outside in the place, again
And they sleep again!
And they found a whole city of little puppies
And the puppies when they born
Aaaall them, when they born
Again, they saw captain horse
Captain, captain paid all three of them
When (indecipherable phrase)
And they get up, and they poured some kind
And little puppy yelled
And the puppy yelled
Saw all the puppy yelled
Outside in the garden
And they get up and the man come
And said “It’s lot of the (indecipherable phrase)
Of the others that may not ###
We must not get it
Outside was the (same indecipherable phrase)
That real night, they peeked through the trees
And they hoping a little victory
Outside, outside, outside, outside
We have to get up from this place!
(Slurred speech) While we are here, (indecipherable phrase)
Outside, outside in the badun
They worked out a rope
(Exclaims loudly)
Out from the fight
(indecipherable phrase)
They lived happily ever after
The end
That was a long story!
Isn’t reading fun, isn’t reading fun!
They must not finally get out

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