Aladar. He was just looking for the shoobane. The shoobane was not looking out. Only a knight came near it. Then the nearer it obeyed him, didn’t look out at the service, no time at the service.
Deek behind, Deek behind Aladar New Adventure!
Aladar’s New Adventure! (Title)
Illustrations by Corythosaurus. (Illustrator)
T-Rex! (Publisher)
Once upon a time...
Once upon a time there lived a young man. He was, name was Aladar. Aladar loved to play all night and all along, and no contents came near him.
No content came near him, but only a knight. Not a knight can come near him, but he’s a knight Norip. After the Nineown Open Plains, there were vultures circling around him. Other vultures, too, but no other vultures came near him. They were peaceful, but they were not like the Orish(?) one. They were scared of him, because they thought he might eat them.
After they looked out, they saw a bunch of Aladars coming. No fifty, long ago... there were no time, but only a knight came near his adventure, came and came and came. And came and came from far away, until he can’t see it anymore, until the whole ground was shaking.
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