I started recording this one midway through the story...
(Me: Aladar has children???) Yes. But the name was Parasaurolophus Corin, and Parasaurolophus, and Chorin the Toysaurus, Poysophe a... Poysophe a Poysaurus, Saurus, and Poor Corin. And Corin knowledge have been, and his children... I don’t know the name of his children. I only know his sister, he’s Corin, and his friend. That his... that his children.
I want to check what his children name... (indecipherable)
Corin the Norin which was so so terrified. He can’t remember his children. After... he can record his.. his.. the open new window.. after he announced the name of this thing, of his new window, “(Sings) My new ‘venchy, my new Korik. My new Porin, and my new toy that I don’t know, that I don’t know, my keek can know the name of it but he is died already, and my horse they have to take me to my grandfather though.”
Corythosaurus was so terrified to see the noises.
Chapter Two. They looked outside, said RECORD ME! (To me): Record me! (Me: Ok, recording you now).
This is Chapter Two. “(Sings) Zicka Zyna Zoo, Dicka Dyna Doo,” Corythosaurus was singing that song in Corythosaurus new open house, after.
After dinner Corythosaurus was at his little court. “(Sings) My new Corin, my new Corin, me new bees.” There were new bees in Corythosaurus’ honey pot, after.
After his dancing, there Corythosaurus led a court. But then he dancing. After his court only dancing, he was so so terrified to see those noises and those banging and those handkerchiefs and those handkerchiefs all dying down. And those handkerchiefs not lying down, he want to know about that. And those banging and stuff was gone already. With his.. he power and stuff. His power and stuff was gone too, with his baggies and Corin and with his banging and his Porip and his PORIK!! And he was trying to keep it.
Corythosaurus was.. all his parents and all his friends were carrying his stuff. (Indecipherable phrase) but there were no time to lose. He get his stuff was, was carried away by his friends.
“So sad,” said Aladar. “What shall we do with Corythosaurus? If he got his, he.. he carried his stuff right.”
“I KNOW!” said T-rex.
“We can carry his stuff back to him, new voice.”
“Bad idea.”
They carried Corythosaur...it..each of them carried his voice back and each of them carried his secret back. And he got his things back, for him to talk and him to speak it to.. to whisper.
“Good job,” said Corythosaurus. “I got my secrets back! What shall I do??... Someone have to speak.” Corythosaurus hided. And Corythosaurus, “ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE TEN! Ready or not here I come, doo doo doo doo, where are you?”
The others was standed just carefully and whispered to his kish, “Shhhh! (Whispers) What’s that that we have to come? (Whispers too soft for the recorder to pick up)...he found out.....(more indecipherable whispering)...BAH!...(more whispers).” And a BANG!! came, a BANG!!!, a BAAAANG!!!!!!
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